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Mobile Websites: Avoiding a New Achilles Heel!

Have you noticed how your website seems to become less and less effective at bringing in customers?  Your designer probably poured their heart and soul into producing the most user friendly, engaging and standards compliant creation that they had ever turned out.  But...

What’s Your Name Worth Online?

Reputation management isn’t just a simple buzz word for marketing and social media types to extract cash from troubled businesses.  In the world of online business, reputation matters.  I have spoken to restaurant and hotel owners who are almost scarred by their...

SEO: Cost Effective Visibility For Your Website

SEO is the acronym for the process of search engine optimisation.  Whatever you do don’t let your eyes glaze over as soon as you hear that geeky sounding word! Why should you care about something from the land of Geek?  Because… time after time, when...