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SEO is a Modern version of doing your homework. Sounds really attractive doesn’t it? Search Engine Optimisation, to give it its proper title, is the underlying foundation of all successful websites in the modern, post Google slap, era of relevance, uniqueness and added value. In this article Maria Brown looks at the importance to businesses, of keywords and categories, in being found online. The embedded video gives some excellent insights from the 13 Pillars of Internet marketing.

Local search marketing has been used for many years now. A lot of companies are utilizing it for their benefit. The internet provides a chance for any company to advertise to its local target market in a short amount of time. As the years continue on, the internet becomes more and more rooted as an integral part of our lives. When you compare today with just a decade ago, there are now loads of people who use the internet in order to look for things, make online purchases and talk to all of their online contacts. If your business can be researched via local search, then is there anything that could make you more happier? The purpose of this article is to show you how you can go about local search marketing and get the most out of it. [youtube:qkcWl1rWvfk?fs=1;[link:Website design];http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkcWl1rWvfk?fs=1&feature=related]

You need to focus on small details like choosing the right category for your business listing. Many businesses that are lazy in this area can lose prospects and customers. You won’t get the best response if the local search engines and directories don’t list your site in the right category. And because the first impression is the most important, be sure to review your listing before you submit it. Don’t underestimate the benefits of local search marketing because if your business isn’t getting local traffic, you’re missing out on income.

Don’t confuse yourself when generating keywords for your local search marketing by focusing on too many keyword tools. Time gets wasted when businesses use the wrong tools in a search for the solution to finding the right keywords. No other tool comes close to the Google keyword tool which is both efficient and reliable.

Use this tool to enhance a list of keyword phrases that you’ve brainstormed yourself. Remember, quality is more important than quantity when you’re generating keywords.

You will also need a plan on how you want to proceed before you jump into local search marketing. When you know what needs to be done from the start, there will be less confusion and more action. A lack of clarity is the usual culprit that keeps businesses from succeeding. So the more clear you are, the easier it will be for you to handle your campaign and make it a success. If you can, have everything organized and structured out on paper, so that you have a complete plan of action in hand.

As you can see, local search marketing is important in today’s online scenario. Even though there are tons of marketing methods that have flogged the web, focusing on the local segment of the market can prove to be highly beneficial for your business in the long run. Local search has been available for quite a while, but awareness of it has grown thanks to social media and companies that are showcasing the importance of local audiences. Start applying what you’ve learned here to reach out to a targeted set of local prospects.

This is an excellent roundup of the basics of SEO as applied to local marketing. For an appraisal of your SEO needs, contact Consulting Cumbria Ltd through our “Your Site Analysis” page or even better, Phone Ray Cassidy on 01228 649 795.

You might want to discover more about other internet marketing help topics? You should check out this internet marketing e-book.