T: 01228 318068 M: 07576 893178 hello@climbhighseo.agency

Internet marketing is the process of gaining customers and understanding their response to the products and services that you have available, that will help them solve their business problems and increase their comfort and security. This is identical to traditional marketing methods but simply utilises the media and technologies now available on-line.
Consulting Cumbria’s services can help you, as the owner or manager of a small to medium sized enterprise, capitalise on the growing, local power of the web, through assistance with: search engine optimisation for your new or existing website; local business listings in Google Places; email campaigns; website design and much more. The services are provided on a case by case basis in line with your own business goals. It is rare to find an off the peg solution for your Internet Marketing needs.

Our business consulting approach is very much about understanding your business, your goals and tailoring an approach, that moves you forward to gaining new customers on the way to achieving those goals. Contact Consulting Cumbria for a free analysis of your existing website or business listing. There is no obligation and frequently you will take away some very useful pointers; even if you choose not to use our services.

(This post was originally published on our Consulting Cumbria Website.)