T: 01228 318068 M: 07576 893178 hello@climbhighseo.agency

Always good to get an experts perspective on what works or doesn’t work when it comes to building your profile or business awareness online. Ray is certainly knowledgeable and easy to work with, when it comes to using and applying SEO, whether to help determine key word search for your website or help design templates for writing scripts or blogs.

Peter Fleming

Director, Peter Fleming Business Consultancy

Digital Marketing and SEO Pricing

Be honest! Tell me if you recognise yourself or your business in any of these scenarios:

  • That beautiful but expensive website doesn’t bring leads, calls, footfall or sales to your business.
  • You are paying Google and Meta a fortune in advertising and that’s the only visitor activity that happens.
  • Leads and online sales dry up and Google Analytics looks dead when you stop paying for traffic.
  • You’ve got a good idea of the important keywords for your business… but your website doesn’t rank for any of them.
  • That website looks gorgeous, but nobody finds it and you don’t get any business from it.

You know you need to invest in more than the visuals, so let’s talk!

Baseline Packages For Different Geographical Targets

We offer discrete packages of work which will suit some business owners. However, we offer these with a health warning, because each business has a slightly different target market, audience, geography and business goals – and one size does not fit all. These are minimum investments to consider if you wish your business to expand its reach in these ranges of localities – up to nationwide.

Old style copywriting! Copywriting by a skilled wordsmith is crucial for the success of your website. On typewriter or on the web.

Copywriting For Digital Marketing Campaigns

We very strongly recommend that when a digital marketing project involves any need for writing, then you engage a skilled copywriter. We have a group of writers available who have that magical way with words that entices people and who understand the balance between creativity and the clinical needs of optimisation for search. For each project the quality of the copy can make or break your success. If you are proud to serve your products and services… that’s marvellous. But it’s not the language that encourages people to buy from you, because it’s talking about you! it’s not a form of words that talks to their “want” of the moment!

Our writers command fees of between £90 and £230 for a well crafted page of conversion focussed copy that also satisfies the SEO criteria for you. That is an investment in your website and your brand. You will be offered a choice of the writers with capacity, at the time of your decision to move forward.

Arrange a Quote Today

Call 01228 318068 Today

I thought SEO Packages Were A Thing of the Past?

ClimbHigh SEO does offer SEO “packages” for your convenience. However, the packages outlined above should only be viewed as indicators of the necessary investment. Cheap SEO services just don’t work. It’s frustrating to deliver and frustrating for clients who need results. Although the work we carry out for any particular website will follow a broadly similar pattern, every business is in a different market, with wildly varying search behaviour. It would be unhelpful to present a package that claims to satisfy the needs of a diesel injector testing specialist which is not a very competitive market in their local area but fiercely competitive at a regional level. That contrasts with a solicitor’s or optometrist’s requirements where competition for available clients is much tougher in a small locality.

To get our clients the best return on their investment, we prefer to carry out an audit process that includes keyword and competitor research, and an audit of your visibility for those keywords in the geographical area you are targeting; be that local, regional or national. We can then give you a realistic pricing model for SEO that reflects the position you are in now… and what needs to be done to maintain or move you to a more dominant position.