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Join us in The ClimbHigh SEO Newsletter

Every Month, or occasionally more often – if the SEO universe goes completely bonkers – we will bring you actionable advice to adapt to the rapidly changing world of search. Now we have AI muscling in on Google’s search results pages, Chat GPT becoming much more of a search tool and completely new AI tools like Perplexity in play… it’s going to get messy for a while.

Most of the audience for these newsletters will be business owners, their marketing people and or web designers with small local businesses. The material will also be useful for slightly larger enterprises with a local presence looking to branch out regionally or nationally. 

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The topics will generally cover your Google Business Profile, local SEO as applied to your website content and general SEO. WE won’t be selling the latest greatest hype, but we will be looking out for advice on best practice as it is uncovered by some of the larger agencies in the UK , Canada and to a lesser extent the all too dominant USA.

If something really important comes up, we may drop an extra news letter into the stream, but generally I’ll stick to a monthly rhythm. 

Thankyou for signing up and here’s to the mantra… “It’s great to be on top… of summits, searches and AIOs!”